Insteon Device Control

I am managing my Insteon devices (Turning On and Off) with Curl commands as follows. These commands are passed around on my Local Area Network (LAN). I recommend being aware of surroundings, best practices; why this is a bad idea on a publicly accessible network.

Insteon Equipment Management System
Indigo Domotics is to provide the most advanced do-it-yourself (DIY) smart home platform available. We believe that sophisticated smart home automation shouldn’t be restricted to the expensive professionally installed market. Instead, we work very hard to balance ease-of-use with advanced capabilities. Our goal for Indigo is to integrate the various automation protocols and the Internet of Things (IoT) into a single synergistic platform.

This Command turns off the light switch : (Note isOn=0)
curl -X PUT -d isOn=0 http://admin:PASSWORDHERE@

Picture of Insteon Turn-Off Shortcut:
Siri Shortcut Insteon Control Command

This Command turns on the light switch : (Note isOn=1)
curl -X PUT -d isOn=1 http://admin:PASSWORDHERE@

Picture of Insteon Turn-On Shortcut:
This Command turns on


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