Splunk and macOS Auditing March 6, 2024Posted inSoftwareTags: Audit, eslogger, Federal Compliance, Splunk To verify that macOS auditing is enabled and functioning correctly, you can use Splunk to search for specific audit logs that macOS generates. macOS uses the OpenBSM audit framework, which…
Ensure Security Auditing Is Enabled February 29, 2024Posted inmacOS Security Compliance Project (mSCP)Tags: Audit, Federal Compliance, Splunk Enable Auditing $ /usr/bin/sudo /bin/launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.auditd.plist Read Auditing Setting LAUNCHD_RUNNING=$(/bin/launchctl list | /usr/bin/grep -c com.apple.auditd) AUDITD_RUNNING=$(/usr/sbin/audit -c | /usr/bin/grep -c "AUC_AUDITING") if [[ $LAUNCHD_RUNNING == 1 ]] &&…
Splunk Status and Locations January 25, 2024Posted inSoftwareTags: Splunk Splunk Status settings, Jamf Pro commands