Use a combination of shell commands to list the details of the files and output them to a CSV file named after the current directory.
Here’s a sample command that does this:
ls -la | awk -v pwd="$(basename `pwd`)" -v OFS=',' 'BEGIN {print "Permissions,Number,Owner,Group,Size,Month,Day,Time,Name"; } NR>1 {print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}' > "/Users/Shared/"pwd".csv"
ls -la | awk -v pwd="$(basename `pwd`)" -v year="$(date +%Y)" -v OFS=',' 'BEGIN {print "Permissions,Number,Owner,Group,Size,Month,Day,Year/Time,Name";} NR>1 {if($8 ~ /:/) print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,year,$9; else print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}' > "/Users/Shared/"pwd".csv"
cd /Applications/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/SplunkUniversalForwarder/default
List of Apps
cd /Applications/splunkforwarder/etc/apps
Export details to Users/Shared
ls -l /Applications/splunkforwarder/etc/apps | awk 'BEGIN {OFS=","; print "AppName,LastModified"} NR>1 {print $9, $6" "$7" "$8}' > /Users/Shared/splunk_apps.csv
Check and Count splunkd Processes:
ps aux | grep '[s]plunkd' | wc -l
ps aux: Lists all running processes.
grep ‘[s]plunkd’: Filters the list to include only lines containing splunkd. The square brackets [s] are used to prevent grep itself from appearing in the output.
wc -l: Counts the number of lines, which corresponds to the number of splunkd processes.
List Details of splunkd Processes
ps aux | grep '[s]plunkd'
This command breaks down as follows:
ps aux lists every process on the system.
grep ‘[s]plunkd’ filters the list to include only lines containing splunkd. The square brackets are used to prevent grep itself from appearing in the output.
Understand the Output:
The output of ps aux provides a detailed snapshot of each process. Here’s what the columns mean:
USER: The username of the process owner.
PID: Process ID.
%CPU: The CPU usage percentage.
%MEM: The memory usage percentage.
VSZ: Virtual memory size.
RSS: Resident Set Size, the non-swapped physical memory the process is using.
TT: Controlling terminal.
STAT: Process state.
STARTED: Process start time.
TIME: CPU time used.
COMMAND: The command used to start the process, which can provide context about what the splunkd process is doing.
Execute the Command and Output to CSV:
ps aux | grep '[s]plunkd' | awk 'BEGIN {OFS=","; print "USER,PID,%CPU,%MEM,VSZ,RSS,TT,STAT,START,TIME,COMMAND"} {print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11}' > /Users/Shared/splunkd_processes.csv
Jamf Extension Attribute Check Splunk Status
#shellcheck shell=bash
splunkStatus=$($splunk status | grep -c "splunkd is running")
if [[ -e $splunk ]]; then
if [[ "$splunkStatus" -ge 1 ]]; then
echo "splunkd is running "
echo "splunkd is not running "
echo "Not Installed "
exit 0
#!/bin/zsh splunk="/Applications/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk" # Check if the Splunk binary exists if [[ ! -e $splunk ]]; then echo "Not Installed " exit 0 fi # Attempt to get the status of Splunk splunkStatus=$($splunk status 2>/dev/null | grep -c "splunkd is running") if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Error checking Splunk status " exit 1 fi # Check the status and return the result if [[ "$splunkStatus" -ge 1 ]]; then echo "splunkd is running " else echo "splunkd is not running " fi exit 0
5 Attempt