Debugging Jamf Pro

This article will assist you in enabling Debug Mode for several Jamf products, as well as where to view logs from your Apple devices so that you can troubleshoot on…

Sysdiagnose Terminal

1. Open Terminal (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal) 2. Type the following command in Terminal. Be prepared to wait about 2 to 5 minutes for Sysdiagnose to completely run. sudo…

Jamf Pro – Casper Certificate Error

1. Error: “Invalid Certificate” or “Invalid Profile” during MDM Enrollment Using Jamf’s built-in CA Try Replacing the Web Server Certificate in Jamf Pro with the Certificate from the JSS’s Built-in…

macOS Notes Application Database

Migrating a macOS Catalina machine to Ventura and documenting the steps to migrate the macOS Notes Database. Notes Storage Location: /Users/USERNAME HERE/Library/Group Containers/ Link: