Shortcuts date formats

The following table lists a summary of example format strings and their results. Pattern Result yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz 1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT EEE, MMM d, ''yy Wed,…


NAME system_profiler -- reports system hardware and software configuration. SYNOPSIS system_profiler [-usage] system_profiler [-listDataTypes] system_profiler [-xml] dataType1 ... dataTypeN system_profiler [-xml] [-detailLevel level] system_profiler [-json] dataType1 ... dataTypeN system_profiler [-json]…

List of applications installed?

system_profiler SPApplicationsDataType >> ~/Desktop/SomeFilename.txt system_profiler SPInstallHistoryDataType -json | awk -F'"' '/_name|install_version|install_date/{print $2,$4}' | grep -A3 "macOS" | sed -e 's/_name /Name: /g;s/install_version /Version: /g;s/install_date /Date: /g' JSON format system_profiler SPApplicationsDataType…


NAME curl - transfer a URL SYNOPSIS curl [options / URLs] DESCRIPTION curl is a tool to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported protocols…

SIP Protected macOS Apps

System Integrity Protection (SIP) While “rootless” was mostly marketing, SIP actually hardened the Mac by preventing modifications to the following locations: /System /usr /bin /sbin All apps preinstalled by Apple…

Apache macOS

ps aux | grep httpd Internal Apache Binary: /usr/sbin/httpd Start/Stop: sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl start Version: /usr/sbin/apachectl -v Config: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf Find used Apache: which -a httpd whereis httpd /usr/sbin/httpd sudo apachectl stop…