macOS Notes Application Database

Migrating a macOS Catalina machine to Ventura and documenting the steps to migrate the macOS Notes Database. Notes Storage Location: /Users/USERNAME HERE/Library/Group Containers/ Link:

Jamf find Monterey Compatible Macs with regex

William Smith (talkingmoose) posted some helpful logic to search for Monterey Compatible Macs with regex in Jamf Pro | 1. Set of regex (^Mac13|MacBook(10|9)|MacBookAir(10|[7-9])|Macmini[7-9]|MacPro[6-7]|iMacPro1|iMac(1[6-9]|2[0-2])),\d|MacBookPro1(1,[45]|[2-8],\d) 2. Set of regex…