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SIP Protected macOS Apps

System Integrity Protection (SIP) While “rootless” was mostly marketing, SIP actually hardened the Mac by preventing modifications to the following locations: /System /usr /bin /sbin All apps preinstalled by Apple…


Install AutoPkg Install the latest pkg release. This will also install and load a LaunchDaemon used by AutoPkg's packaging component. This allows AutoPkg to build packages without requiring root privileges.…


Log4j lsof - list open files for log4j lsof | grep log4j https://github.com/isaacatmann/log4j-search/blob/main/log4j-search.sh https://community.jamf.com/t5/jamf-pro/log4j-vulnerability/m-p/254027 https://medium.com/@anchorbuoy_sftw/log4shell-log4j-zero-day-exploit-and-filemaker-server-e20ebe806e8a